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General Pharmacology

Pharmacology: Pharmacology: made up by Greek words- “Pharmacon = Drug” and “ Logos = Discourse in”

Definition: Pharmacology is the branch of Medical or biological Sciences concerned with the study of “Drug” action or interaction between Drug and Living System (Human, Animals, Microbes)

Pharmacy: It is the art and science of compounding and dispensing of a drug. “Science of Drug”.

Introduction to Pharmacology

Clinical Pharmacology: study the effects of drug in Human, and mainly focused on clinical efficacy, potency, and ADR.

Toxicology: Study the poisonous effect of drug

Pathophysiology: Altered physiology during a disease

Biopharmaceutics: study of the physiochemical properties of drugs and the biological effects they produce

Pharmacoepidemiology: is the study of the utilization and effects of drugs in large numbers of people; it provides an estimate of the probability of beneficial effects of a drug in a population and the probability of adverse effects

Pharmacoeconomics: is the study of therapeutic cost between drug therapeis for a diseases.

  • Benefit-cost ratio (BCR) = Therapeutic Benefits/ Therapeutic Cost
  • For a dug BCR should be high as much as possible

Pharmacogenetics: study of inherited genetic differences in drug effect. Genenic variations may affect the effect of drug.

E.g. Fast acetylated enzyme gene causes the higher elimination of isoniazid (INH) thus dose of INH is required high as compared to slow acetylated gene

Pharmacovigilance (PV): is related to the collection, detection, assessment, monitoring, and prevention of adverse effects with pharmaceutical products. It is a Part of Phase IV Clinical Trial.

Major Objectives:

  • Assessment of Drug Safety
  • Assessment of Risk-benefit ratio (RBR) over the populations

Benefits of PV:

  • Prevention of drug related toxicity, morbidity, and mortality
  • Understanding of drug induced diseases
  • Detect early signals/warning to serious ADR
  • Improve the health benefits
General Pharmacology

DRUG:  It is a French words- “Drugue = a dry herb”

Definition: It is the biological active compounds, which alter or correct the pathophysiological state of a disease for health benefit. And that is used for diagnosis, prevention, treatment, or cure of a disease


❏ chemical name: describes the chemical structure, the same in all countries

❏ drug company code: a number, usually for drugs that are not sold

❏ non-proprietary name: shortenend form of chemical name, listed in pharmacopea

❏ proprietary name: the brand name or registered trademark


❏ different routes of administration are chosen depending on

Routes of Drug Administration
  • desired onset of action
    • systemic or local effects
    • patient characteristics
    • properties of the drug
Sublingual-The effect starts immediately, -NO first-pass elimination-The absorption may decrease if emesis happens.
Oral-Easy, reliable, economic-First-pass elimination occurs, -Emesis, diarrhea, heavy constipation may cause decrease in absorption
Rectal-The effect starts immediately, -NO first-pass elimination, -Suitable for patients with heavy emesis or when the oral route is not an appropriate route.-Unpleasant way of application -Risk of rectal bleeding -Increased bacteremia risk for immunosuppressive patients -Decreased absorption in diarrhea and constipation.
Inhalation-The effect starts immediately, -suitable for general anesthetics and bronchodilators-Intubation and special equipment are required
Intramuscular-The effect starts immediately,-Edema, local irritation or pain -Risk of infection
Intravenous-The effect starts immediately, -Bioavailability is 100%-Irritation or pain -Risk of infection -Solution must be dissolved well -Risk of embolism
Subcutaneous-Absorption is slower compared to im inj.-Edema, local irritation or pain -Volume shouldn’t exceed 2 ml -Risk of infection
Intranasal-The effect starts immediately, -NO first-pass elimination.-Local irritation -Suitable for administration of small doses of drugs
Transdermal-Enables for slow and long-term drug application-The effect starts very slowly -Local skin reactions can be seen
Percutaneous-Suitable for local effect.-The effect starts very slowly -Local skin reactions can be seen

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